Aug 06, 2005 00:02
You i was calmly walking back from the kitchen where i got a hit me...people always talk about how they have found their one true love and their only one.....but they're all in highschool still...most of them havent even left effingham or the of the billions of people in the world...they found theirs while in highschool in the same state and fucking probable is that? Im not being hypocritical, ive told sam before i would love her forever...but thats not can you love someone that wont love you back? If she loved me back i probably could. But the truth is...your special someone...and yourself...have both had special someones that they/you would love to everyone (and myself i guess b/c ive done it too) the odds of you staying with your highschool sweetheart are slim to none...i doubt that u go to the same college...and if u do, more than likely someone is pissed about it...