Oct 10, 2007 21:21
English was exceedingly good today. Even if I have a million things to do in it all the time, the in-class discussions make it worth it. We're reading Beowulf, and today we were reading the part where Grendel's mother attacks Heorot and Mr. Wyatt stops us and asks "Do girls get off on this stuff too? The blood, the gore, the violence?"
The general consensus was yes, and then he asked why all of us, boys included, enjoyed it. Someone brought up 300 and then there was some babble about courage that Roque brought up that Mr. Wyatt totally disagreed with and I finally worked up the courage to put up my hand. It went a little like this:
Me: It's like... this primal instinct. It's why we slow down when there's a car wreck. There's something inside us that wants to see fighitng and blood and completely disgusting things. I did not go to 300 to see good acting, I went to sit back, watch people get the shit kicked out of them and go "YEAH!" when it happened. *class laughs*
Roque: Well, but like, I went to see it for like the story and like to see the courage of the Spartans and stuff. (he really talks like that)
Me: See, that's bullshit. You're outright lying, whether you know it or not. If you wanted to learn about the war and find out about the Spartans, there's a book on it that's about 5 pages long and a lot more accurate than the movie. The movie was made by comicbook geeks who threw in as much violence as they could to play it up for the audience. We get off on violence and gross things. That's why they made the movie that way.
Mr. Wyatt: I think, Roque, that Miss Brooker has hit the nail on the head, and that it would be in your best interest to shut up before you make a fool of yourself while she talks circles around you.
I felt like a king. Like for once I wasn't that kid people laughed at for their input. It was amazing.
Viviana and I also talked for the first time in a millenium today. We had a super awesome viewing of Bionic Woman together. It was a good episode tonight and perfect for us to discuss because it was chalk full of subtext, which, let's not lie, we both totally love. Plus, I love Sackhoff and her line deilvery in general so... yeah.
Now I'm thinking about doing either my poetry response or starting my formal boast for English. I was going to do it at seven, but I fell asleep in front of the fire for two hours, so that didn't quite happen. God this show rocks.
"Why don't you hang yourself or something?"
"I'm just gonna go lay down on the sidewalk and die."
"Not that I can actually feel anything, but I can intellectually imagine that it feels pretty dramatic."
- 3 different quotes, all by Sarah Corvus -
There were so many good quotes and lines that had great delivery, but those were the ones I could remember. Nighty night.