Jul 02, 2005 18:50

Ok ppl, this is a survey i made, its gunna be very long, i made up some questions, stole them from other ppls ljs and other stuffages.... so just answer as many as you feel like... even if its one. Ok here goes.... ill say i love you 2 to whoever finishes this thing... even if theyre mean. Cuz thats just nuts. Oh and sorry if questions repeat, just yell at me.

-Can you remember when we first met? (don’t worry I probably cant either)
-If so, tell me.
-Do you know my favorite color?
-Red or blue?
-Chocolate brownies or chocolate cake?
-Or vanilla?
-Would you give up your life for mine?
-DO you loooove me, or “luv” me, or both?
-Would you ask me out?(includes same sex, pp, don’t be shy lol)
-Have you asked me out?
-Do you find me annoying?
-DO you find me funny?
-Do you find me at all?
-Do you think im attractive?
-Do you think im bugly?
-Would you travel around the world with me?
-Would you travel around the world period?
-Train bus plane or automobile?
-Do you prefer to jump or run?
-Do you like my infamous poems/songs?
-Have you ever had a poem dedicated to you?
-Would you like one(or another) dedicated to you?
-Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.-
-tell what song reminds you of me.
- If you were to apply an o'clock to me, what would it be?
- try to name a single word that best describes me.
- tell me the most memorable moment you’ve had with me.
- What color do I remind you of?
-Would you be surprised to see me in temple?
- Would you be surprised if I said I'm a virgin?
-Would you be surprised if I said I'd taken drugs?
-Would you be surprised if I said I'd been drunk before?
-How would you react to me ignoring you?
-(Opposite sex) How would you react to me asking you out?
-(Same sex) How would you react to me asking out your ex?
-What would you do if I said I'd give my life to protect you?
-How would you treat me if I had one week to live?
-24 hours?
-5 minutes?
-How would you treat me if you found out that I killed someone?
- Would you turn me in?
- How would you treat me if I started to change and be more selfish?
- How would you describe my "soul mate?"
- Do you believe I would protect you?
- Do you believe I am completly honest?
- Have I ever seemed to change drastically lately?
- If so, how?
- Do I need to?
-Do you consider me a frend?
-Do you think I am conservative or republican?-
-Do you not know?
-Have you ever eaten at a restaurant with me?
-Do you fin dme curious?
-Do I need mental help?
-AM I too serious?
-Am I not serious enuf?
-Do you think im honest?
-Can you rely on me?
-Have we ever been in a fight?
-Have you been mad at me?
-For more than a week?
-Am I hott??
-Am I o-kay?
-Am I cute?
-What is your fave thing about me?
-What is your favorite color?
-What is your favorite thing about yourself?
-Can you keep secrets?
-Have I ever told you a secret?
-What was it?
-HA! Did I get you?
-What song do I remind you of?
-What song Is your favorite?
-What candy bar do I remind you of and why?
-If I could be an animal wut would I be?
-What would YOU be?
-Do you believe in reincarnation?
-Do you think im smart?
-A mix?
-If you could afford nething in the world, wut would you get me?
-If you had no money in the world, what would you get me?
-Which one of those choices would you rather give me?
-If we were the last two ppl on earth, how would we end our final days?
-that’s nice. ( I hope)
-If you could rename me, what name would you give me and why?
-What do I remind you of?
-Have I ever made you laugh?
-Have I ever made you cry?
-Would you rather of loved or not loved at all?
-Would you rather smell, or never know?
-Do you wish you could never have met me?
-Do you wish you could have met the king of Prussia instead?
-Have you ever been to Prussia?
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA take a breather ppl.
-If you have made it this far, im proud. Feel free to do the rest at a later time.--

-Would you dance with me?
-Have you danced with me?
-Quieres bailar?
-Quieres messar?
-Wut song would you want to dance to?
-Am I amusing?
-Am I interesting?
-Am I mystical?
-Am I magical?
-Am I am?
-Yes or no?
-UP or down?
-Left or right?
-Wrong or right?
-Did you answer rright just so you could answer the same way twice?
-Whats ur favorite word?
-What is your favorite number?
-AM I your favorite thing?
-If not, what is?
-Be nice.
-Would you ever go out to dinner with me, maybe a movie?
-Do you like my eyes?
-My hair?
-MY breath?
-My body?
-My personality?
-My frendship?
-If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
-Do you think you could school me in basketball?
-Am I ol’ school, new school, or no school?
-Am I …
-Not really?
-Do you believe in magic?
-DO oyu think im too small and tiny and innocent?
-AM i cute like a baby?
-WHy thanku.
-I shall continue this at a latter time.-
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