(no subject)

Dec 19, 2004 18:58

Currently Playing
from a basement on the hill
By Elliott Smith
distorted reality is now a necessity to be free
see related

so yes. i still don't know why you keep up the things you do, and it is ironic because you are more now than ever before with me. and yet you still do it when he is around. "we're sorry, we lied to you, he said it was 'mutual'". the song kyle wrote is perfect to describe this situation cuz him and i are going throught the same perdicament with you. it makes me so sad that you do this to me, its just torure. why can't you see that, its not that i don't like you any less becase of this, its just disappointing to me, and to kyle. i think about this everyday and still cant fugure out why. if you have changed your mind (which you probably havent cuz of your profile) thats the only explanation for this, unless its just to make me more miserable. the only cure for this is that i end up liking that other person. she is my only hope to break away from you. except thats what i thought of you. i would rather be miserable and know that you dont feel anything and show me that you dont feel anything by showing nothing, but it is hell for me to be miserable and have you act more atracted that you ever were before (except for during the summer), and i agree with what he said. you two have nothing in common at all, you even dread getting a phone call from him or seeing him in school (from what i heard and have seen).........you say that you are together because he is nice to you. personally i think that is extremely lame. i dont any guy who isnt nice to you. i dont really know any one PERIOD who isnt nice to you, with the exeption of a couple. so even if you did and wanted things to be the way they use to, i know that i would want to so bad, but i dont know if i could let myself because i would just keep thinking about what might happen and i will end up being miserable and where i am right now. now that i look back on being madly in love with kate and saying that i was copletely miserable because she didnt like me,.......i take it all back because that time now seems like a happy time for me. i would rather be as ahppy as i was then than as sad as i am right now, and every time i look at my left rist i think of you. you left your mark. and it wont wash off. it just says your words and it makes me miserable. and i know that im just i lame teenager that overreacts about everything that doesnt go his way. i know that i am melodramatic. i know i know i know, but i cant help it. its just the only way i can act right now cuz i cant act anyway else without lying to everyone and saying that i am truly happy, but i dont fucking care anymore. all i am doing is rambling on and on about this and i am sick of it. i just wish that i could erase all of the memories and make new ones with her and i hope that i can. bye.

your threads you left still are somewhere. I can’t ever forget my dear. I need some way to forget, to make it all just wasted regret. a brick to the head woould so do the trick for all those summer sunny memories. Concussion's my conclusion, makes me terribly naive.








tomorrow is the gig

see you there
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