О российском ренессансе

Mar 10, 2015 11:26

For me, however, the most heartening feature of this Russian renaissance is in the generation which is today in their late thirties to early forties-young, highly intelligent and having experience of both the depravity of Soviet communist bureaucracy but as well of the hollow world of US-led so-called “free market capitalism.” I share some examples from the many Russians I have come to know in recent years.

What is unique in my mind about this generation is that they are the hybrid generation. The education they received in the schools and universities was still largely dominated by the classical Russian science. That classical Russian science, as I have verified from many discussion with Russian scientist friends over the years, was of a quality almost unknown in the pragmatic West. An American Physics professor from MIT who taught in Moscow universities in the early 1990s told me, “When a Russian science student enters first year university, he or she already has behind them 4 years of biology, 4 of chemistry, of physics, both integral and differential calculus, geometry…they are starting university study at a level comparable to an American post-doctoral student.”

They grew up in a Russia where it was common for young girls to learn classical ballet or dance, for all children to learn to play piano or learn a musical instrument, to do sports, to paint, as in classical Greek education of the time of Socrates or Germany in the 1800s. Those basics which were also there in American schools until the 1950s, were all but abandoned during the 1980s. American industry wanted docile “dumbed-down” workers who asked no questions.

First appeared:http://journal-neo.org/2015/03/09/russia-s-remarkable-renaissance-2/

Статья  целом на западного потребителя ориентирована, но мне лично понравился данный абзац - о нас, получивших советское образование, но взрослевших уже в новой России, т.е. о тех кому сейчас около 40 лет. Действительно, у нас уникальное положение, мы хорошо помним СССР, но как личности уже формировались в 90-е, такой получился интересный сплав опыта и знаний, которого ни у кого сейчас нет. Вот я же с молодежью работаю - они многих элементарных вещей не знают, так как образование в целом сейчас много слабее, чем когда мы учились.

Так что на нас вся ноша! Я вот работаю не покладая рук, чего и вам желаю.
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