Dec 14, 2009 00:49
***** it's snowing in Gdansk; finally; I love when snow flakes are dropping on my face and eyelashes; I instinctively smile and stick out my tongue
***** tonight the power in my flat has gone down; I was scared to death coz I got electrical central heating. Imagine me in the morning. Frozen. Thanks god it's back already!
***** Liverpool - Arsenal match; I haven't seen such good match in ages! good job lads! all of you!
***** we need some revolution, children! my three friends [as far as I know only them for now] have left ONTD. I joined them. My tolerance is huge but after all we got blues_supporter, hala_madrid, guti_haz_luvas, sergio and cesc's journals, footballslash, commentporn community and quite fresh pic_4today [mine mine! *giggles* ] so always, like ALWAYS we're gonna find something interesting concerning football and slash. and if we're gonna fancy some rumors or nazi/silly/ fantasy articles, we can switch on the Sun.
**** slash fic front: Cris/Kaka. They apparently don't want to get off as quickly as I WOULD LIKE them to. Little fucks *winks at Jo*
**** and again I'm the creature of the night; in Poland we call such people as "night Marks"
**** good night! I need to find another pic of the day in the morning!
beautiful nightmare