I've been gone from Livejournal for a while. During this time away from the eljay-o-sphere, I have morphed from a rumpled, disagreeable, unapproachable shrew into a MYSTERIOUS DANCER.
This gentleman does not stand a chance of unlocking my mystery, but you jokers might. I don't really know why I stopped caring about Livejournal, but I do know that if someone sent me an ipod, I might start caring again. I do believe that if I had an ipod, I might just start exercising my feeble, atrophied body more. See how my shoulder blades protrude? This is serious. And if I spent more time exercising, I might just spend that exercise time thinking of entertaining things to write about in my Livejournal. See? We all win, just a little bit. If you need to know the address of the condo in Florida where I reside, just ask for it.
Okay, I am joking--sort of. But really, I need to start building up a writing portfolio, because I am rapidly hurtling toward the end of my academic career, and the beginning of my job career. This means you might see more of me. I might start using a blog, which will, of course, be mirrored here. YES YES, I know I should NOT be encouraged to own both a blog and an ipod. Next, I'll have a cell phone, right? And I know I haven't had anything to offer you or the internet in months upon months. But I'd still like to think that you miss me a little, in an internet kind of way, and that I'm still worth a little something to you.
Your mysterious dancer
PS: Lately, I've been teaching myself surf guitar and reading books. And I've been thinking a lot about what kind of job I'm going to get (does the Weekly World News do internships?), and I made pork tenderloin sandwiches for dinner last night. So what's new with you?