Sometimes (but rarely) I get the feeling that I should improve my life and become a better person. As long as I continue _____, I might just be a loser forever.
Fill in the blank:
- gauging the success of my day on the amount of time I have for watching television
- considering the coolness of my guitar a measure of my personal worth
- letting the fact that I am in love with myself blind me to my laziness and lack of enthusiasm for anything other than music, TV, eating, bitching, and sleeping
- refusing to engage in extracurricular activities which would allegedly help me greatly in the post-graduation "real world" because I'm better than those people and I need that time to watch television
- eschewing regular exercise in favor of the occasional 15-lunges-per-leg in front of the television, because my glowing personality somehow makes up for my lack of muscle tone
- considering playing the guitar exercise, since it totally built up my arm muscles
- thinking that my down-on-everything, shit-talking, better-than-you attitude is somehow cute and endearing on me, even though it's annoying and disgusting on everyone else
- not returning friends' phone calls, not attempting to make new friends, and shrinking away from social interaction because it somehow makes my life seem easier
- deciding not to go to movies or concerts at the last minute because "I already know it's going to suck"
- thinking that it's perfectly ok for me to live the life of a spoiled 16 year old boy
And I called it "Millie" because I always wanted a friend named Millie.