Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Sep 22, 2007 09:28

A 60 day comment period has been opened on the issue of Mountaintop Coal Removal Mining, specifically on the question of repeealing a rule requiring mining waste to be dumped no nearer than 100 feet from a stream, which has been ignored for years but at least is something that could be referenced in arguements. Bush has now pretty much opened up this practice entirely. While a statment has been made that its likely that comments won't have an effect, you should comment anyways.

To get caught up:
First read: Audubon Magazine's Article on Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining, replete with some stunning (horrifying?) aerial shots taken by this guy I know, and visit Stop Mountaintop Removal dot Org, and for a kicker, check out Grist's piece on the current and past matter.

But while doing so, please understand the difference between the campaign to stop this practice and thoughts to stop all coal mining, which can be done in a much better manner and is pretty much the only economy of Appalachia, as well as the current campaign to CLEAN up COAL burning through zero emission plants and carbon sequestration. Yes, I understand that "clean coal" is an oxymoron, but what it actually means is that since we currently have little to no chance of stopping it, we can at least reduce its negative impacts while working towards a better solution. Work against and for as needed.

Then, visit the Sierra Club Form Letter which is pre written, with the option to customize your message, and after you fill in your info, will auto-address it to the correct person.

OR, go to, click on "Environment" on the left, then on "Mineral Resources," and click on the rule dated "August 24." (this is down, it seems, until 6 p.m. today.)
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