Title: Boots
Fandom: Narnia - VOTD
Pairing: Edmund/Caspian
Rating: PG, barely
Purpose: Was commentfic to cheer Trojie up
Disclaimer: I own two pairs of boots, but neither sea-chest nor sailing ship, and definitely not the Narnia characters.
Caspian woke abruptly to the sound of Edmund swearing. Cracking open one eye, he was promptly hit on the head with his own boot.
'Ow,' Caspian said, rubbing his forehead. The boot fell out of the hammock and onto the floor again. 'What was that for?' He peered over the edge of the hammock at Edmund, who was balancing one-handed against the bulkhead and trying to pull breeches on with the other hand. The view really was lovely at sea, Caspian reflected, as Edmund got one leg of his breeches settled and went hopping slightly across the cabin, trying to get his other pant-leg up.
'Is it too much,' Edmund grumbled, bending over and allowing Caspian a truly magnificent perspective on his arse, 'to ask that you put your own boots in your own damn sea-chest?' Straightening up, he lobbed another boot at Caspian's head. Caspian caught it, dropped it on the floor, and as Edmund tied the laces on his breeches, decided there was no reason at all for him to put his boots away, ever.