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Jul 16, 2019 15:50

Greetings! You can call me Inept, which is a perfectly accurate description. If you call me Shieldmaid, which is most inaccurate, I will be immensely flattered and probably giggle a bit.

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anachronisma September 21 2008, 05:54:56 UTC
You and I seem to have an immense amount in common, given I write LotR, Narnia, and Arthurian fanfic (mostly Malory. Not always.) And uh, Robin Hood but not the BBC show.

I'm one of those scary people who's wanted to be a medievalist since I was 14. (And am finally on my way!) I occasionally read your fanfic and then I go back and backread various tags and go "oh gee I should really friend this person." Friendy?


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 05:59:45 UTC
Ooooh, another Arthurian ficcer! Where do you keep it? I just had a poke at your journal and didn't see fic posts, although perhaps I'm just going mad.

:D Medievalist solidarity. What are you studying?

Friend away!


anachronisma September 21 2008, 06:06:15 UTC
Not posted, am very embarrassed of my weird Gawain/Ragnell stories which comprise the majority of what I've written for a medieval bastard-offspring-universe in the works with my best friend fisher_queen where Gawain and Ragnell had 5 sons (and Ragnell is a cross-dressinger/dual-gendered Faerie woman who is sometimes a man) and Lancelot and Gawain are BFF (that's canon though, several billion times over) and Morgan le Fey has a massive crush on Gawain (but that's practically canon too, IMO, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Though I keep my fanfic at karigans_fic.

I'm right now doing my basic lower-level undergrad at a community college but when I transfer I want to study the 12th and 13th centuries in England, especially the third crusade, Robin Hood, and the Midlands. But that might change. I really am interested in a woman named Nicola de la Haye from Lincoln who I can't really find anything about.


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 06:14:31 UTC
AAAAAH YOU WROTE THAT NARNIA FIC! 'Lioness'! AAAH. *squees at you*

Ahaha, your Arthurian stuff sounds INSANE.

Ohh. Third Crusade, funfunfun. Me, I'm an Anglo-Saxonist with a side interest in high medieval dirty jokes. (Eg: Bondage jokes in Sir Gawain! Why has no one noticed this before?)


anachronisma September 21 2008, 06:18:50 UTC
People read that story?!

Yes, well, Arthurian literature is very crazy. My best friend is an Arthurianist, I see no reason I can't partake of the insanity.

I was shocked by how all my classmates didn't notice all the homosexual implications in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight when we were reading it two weeks ago. It seemed really obvious to me that Morgan was hoping to watch Lord B/Gawain. Creepy voyeur lady. (Unless she is Berk/c/tilak. Hmm.)


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 06:25:46 UTC
*I* read it! And loved it! And have now friended that comm. I try to keep the number of actual people journals on this flist as low as I can.

Arthuriana is mad and wonderful

BAHAHAHA. How could they NOT notice? I'm siding with the people who think the author was female. Medieval slash fan!

One day, I'm going to write a paper about the role of Lady B. There's a lot queer theory about the barely-subtext, and a lot of feminist theory about her apparently active role in the Gawain/Lady scenes, which is ultimately subverted at the end when we find out Bertilak was in charge. But what no one has talked about is the fact that, until the very end, we see Lady B as a sexually active, dominant female who is initiating a homosexual exchange between two men. A fellow, David someone-or-other, who taught MY teacher, wrote a great queer theory paper in which he talked about the female as exchange between two men, substituting het for homosexual. But that's not actually what we see for most of the poem. What we see is Bertilak making a strange ( ... )


anachronisma September 21 2008, 06:37:47 UTC
Oh that's really interesting, about Lady B and that whole exchange theory, which I'm vaguely familiar with. I find it all so interesting particularly in relation to another one of my interests, medieval Faerie, and the medieval concept of Other. What Lady B and Lord B are doing to Gawain is downright nasty, in a sense, they're pretending the rules of their court are like human rules, like Camelot's rules, and they're obviously not. It's a mean game, no wonder Gawain doesn't laugh at the end.

I think I read your Morgan/Lady fic and recced it to my medievalist friends.

Speaking of unusual pairings, I just attempted a Lucy/Kirke drabble (set in Aslan's Country, I'm not that sick, and totally non-explicit and not even sexual, that would be wrong for my interpretation of the characters) and the professor is massively influenced by the one you wrote for Lady of the House. Would you like to see it?


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 06:39:49 UTC
*looks dubious*

er... yes? That's, um, a pairing I would never have thought of... But now that you've said it i'm morbidly curious.


anachronisma September 21 2008, 06:47:14 UTC
Don't judge me too harshly. It was a request from a friend and then I got caught up in the possibilities of crossing genres.


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