Apparently podfic is now my Legitimate Fannish Contribution of choice? IDK

Aug 27, 2010 22:21

Today I marked a lot of students' exercises, uploaded some more fic to the A03, and recorded two podfics. One is waiting on approval by Trojie, but the other is good to go! I am rather pleased with how this turned out - all (vr. soft) porn, but it suits oral (snerk snerk) delivery very well.

Title: Ridiculous, Undignified, and Ill-Advised (on DW // on the AO3)
Fandom: Narnia - VOTD
Author/Reader: Ineptshieldmaid/Ineptshieldmaid.
Pairing: Edmund/Caspian
Rating: Mature
Content notes: None apply
File details: 00:03:37; 3.32mb MP3
Summary: Sometimes, at school, Edmund had been subjected to lectures about his 'difficult stage of life': lectures which emphasised the importance of self-restraint and good clean air. Well, there was plenty of good clean air aboard the Dawn Treader, and it didn't seem to be doing anything for his self-restraint.

Download here from MegaUpload or the audiofic archive.

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