♥ My
hrholidays fic has been reviewed a third time and is now sent to my beta. Woot! My next due date isn't until mid-January, and it's for
hprare_cliche. I had about four prompts that were whispering at me, so I chose one that I thought might be the most challenging. Ha! Silly me. I should have chosen one of the easy ones and got it done then maybe tried a challenging one. LOL I had to scrap my original plan for
hp_3somes so that's back to the drawing board. Almost too many options there, so I'm going to probably wait until my long holiday week to really think on either of those. My idea for Salt & Pepper fest is pretty solid and it's my last due date.
♥ I finished my
hp_goldenage Bingo card yesterday. I am most pleased with that little series of fics. They're somewhat gen with past Ron/Hermione and leading to Blaise/Hermione, and they deal with moving on after losing a spouse of so many years.
♥ My main goal today is to write a new part of Conquest verse as a gift for someone then try another prompt from my gift list. *crosses fingers*
♥ I will be getting my holiday cards addressed this weekend. So if you'd like one, please comment
here or send me a PM. I'm also taking prompts for holiday gift fics
here so feel free to comment & give me a prompt if you'd like a ficlet! If you'd like to check out my fandom wishlist, go
♥ I hope that everyone has an amazing weekend. I know there are some of you dealing with terrible things right now, so my hugs are extra tight for y'all. *hugs*
♥ Guess the Lyric Challenge: The first person to guess the song the lyric in my subject header is from correctly (without cheating!) and comments will get a drabble!