I too am lost, I feel double-crossed, and I'm sick of what's wrong and what's right

Nov 08, 2014 14:31

hp_reunion is hosting a Love Meme for any HP fans to comment with their favorite fic, art, people, etc. Go forth and love!

torino10154 wants to talk about Secondary Characters You Love!

♦ I started my hrholidays fic but I'm not sure I like it. It isn't talking to me, so I just stopped and will revisit it next weekend, I think. I did manage to write two parts of Hugo's Conquests and a new part of Daddy & Pretty Boy so the few people reading those can be entertained. Woot! Let's see. I managed another Bathilday Bagshot Bingo fic and two anniversary prompt fics, too, so my weekend goals have been accomplished. And I still have the rest of today and tomorrow! *dances*

♦ Where are your favorite places to find icons? I think I'd like a few new ones, especially if I could a Scorpius one I like or a good Hugo one, but I have no idea what blogs are active anymore. The ones I used to follow are all gone now :(

♦ Lurker Meme. Been lurking around here? Just visiting? New to my LJ? Great. I love meeting new people. Come on in and say hello :) I only bite when you ask nicely. If you aren't a lurker, feel free to say hello, too!

♦ First person to correctly guess the Subject Lyric gets a quick drabble! No cheating!

misc: fandom pimping, rambling: real life

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