Title: Deterrent
Characters/Pairings: Fred/George/Draco
Rating: Adult
Summary: Fred and George have an unique deterrent for shoplifting
Word Count: 468
A/N: For my Quick Fic challenge
nia_kantorka’s prompt: Some would call it a Malfoy sandwich
“You really should know better, Malfoy.”
“Fine upstanding young man like yourself.”
“Shoplifting! The horror!”
“The scandal!”
“Whatever would Mummy say?”
“What would Daddy do?”
“The newspapers will have a field day.”
“You’d be kicked out of Hogwarts, for sure.”
“But George and I are businessmen.”
“We’re willing to let you work out a deal.”
“Without involving the aurors.”
“Fred and I think we can reach an understanding with you.”
“Pretty boy like you?”
“In a family like yours?”
“Doubt it’ll be anything you haven’t done a dozen times before.”
“Why look at that, Fred. He’s gone even paler.”
“Too busy look at that little cock plumping up, George. Think he likes our offer.”
“Knew he would. Desperate Pureblood slut like that? He’s gagging for some cock.”
“Yeah, he is, brother mine. Look how eager he is to get on his knees.”
“Merlin, look how fast he’s taking your cock, Fred. Such a fucking slut. Does it feel good?”
“Merlin yes. Wet and hot. His throat is even better. Now he really is gagging for it.”
“Let me try. Come here, toy. That’s a good boy. Open wide. Oh, yes, you’ve definitely done this before.”
“Bet he’s been sucking Daddy since he was a toddler. I’ve heard stories about those stuck up Pureblood families. Look at his tight arse, George.”
“Won’t be that tight once we get finished with him. He likes that, though. Did you hear him moaning like a whore at that thought?”
“Don’t worry, Malfoy. We’ll be gentle.”
“Stop lying to the boy, Fred. You know we’re going to wreck him and leave him begging for more.”
“Just trying not to scare him too much. Can’t wait to feel this tight arse around my cock.”
“Think he’ll be able to take us both?”
“Probably not easily, but we’ll make it work. Oh, look at that. He’s getting all flushed and whining.”
“Fucking your hand like he can’t wait to have his arse full. Fred, he ready yet?”
“Eh, close enough. Come on, boy. Crawl on top and slide down. That’s good. Fuck, you’re tight. You like that, don’t you? Riding my cock and feeling my brother’s fingers inside your arse, too?”
“I think I’m ready to try. Cover his mouth so we don’t have to hear him scream. Fucking hell. This is so fucking tight. Not sure he can take us both.”
“Keep going, George. He’s enjoying it. Little cock is still hard and leaking pre-come like the desperate slut we’ve always known he is.”
“Almost there. Fuck. Got it. Merlin, Fred, he’s so bloody tight. You know, boy, some people might call this a Malfoy sandwich.”
“George and I, though? We just call it a brilliant shoplifting deterrent. Now hold on cause we’re about to fuck you so hard you can’t sit for days.”