Title: Why Not? Characters/Pairings: Ron/Scorpius Rating: Teen Summary: Why the hell not? Word Count: 762 A/N: For my Quick Fic challenge my_thestral’s prompt: because... why the hell not?
Like I already said - I completely loved it! :D There should be more of that pairing around, dammit, so to all interested parties - here's some homework: write some more. :) I admire how much you managed to keep them in character and you captured a lot of atmosphere, Ron's state of mind and future expectations in very few sentences. Excellent! :)
I am just pleased as punch because I love your writing and it seems you are one of these authors that make me love a lot of characters/pairings/kinks/etc I don't usually love or care for that much. And I love series! So much fun!!!
Comments 9
Awesome story! <3
I admire how much you managed to keep them in character and you captured a lot of atmosphere, Ron's state of mind and future expectations in very few sentences. Excellent! :)
Scorpius is so perfect it hurts. Damn.
This series and my Hugo one are my little babies right now, so it means a lot when someone reads it and enjoys it. <3333
I am just pleased as punch because I love your writing and it seems you are one of these authors that make me love a lot of characters/pairings/kinks/etc I don't usually love or care for that much. And I love series! So much fun!!!
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