Title: In Heat
Characters/Pairings: Lily/Sirius, Padfoot/Lily, reference to James/Sirius/Lily
Rating: Adult
Summary: When James is away on an assignment, Lily lets Sirius take care of her needs.
Word Count: 2240
Warnings: Bestiality, infidelity (established threesome), Consensual slut-shaming. Read the prompt for full details.
Lumosed_Quill’s prompt at
hp_het_taboo here.
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Comments 8
LJ is doing something very weird with comments today - I thought it hadn't taken my comment but I think it did and I deleted the other one.... Well, in any case, I loved it and it was a great way to start the fest! Brava!
I was all in at, "I know, though, and that’s what gets you off. Knowing that he’ll treat you glass and I’ll fuck you so hard you break.”
And then the rest... Will you accept a keyboard smash? Because ASFD.W,SIFH;DLHFADGH;ALDHFGD,GKG!!!!
Do you know the especially awesome thing? I mean, yes, that you used everything I prompted for (holy hell!!!), but no. It's that this filthy thing is well-the-fuck-written!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
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