Title: The Last Hour
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Cormac
Rating: Adult
Summary: Hermione and Cormac’s weekend comes to an end
Word Count: 3860
Beta: None so please excuse an errors.
50_smutlets prompt: Sound and
_snitchbitch's challenge.
A/N: Well, I guess this has become a series, after all. This is Part 3 of Take a Chance and follows
The Morning After .
The Last Hour )
Comments 8
Can I just say that I for one am totally happy to see a fic with lots of cunnilingus and no cocksucking. But it was nice of Hermione to apologize, of course. She can be polite when she wants to. ;) (And even nicer of Cormac to just laugh and shrug it off! God, I love him for not feeling entitled.)
And this scene was lovely, too! And I like that they're both obviously a little worried about saying goodbye and about what comes next when they step out of that hotel suite into the real life, despite their protestations to each other. It's a very human and realistic reaction, and just makes me adore them both even more! ♥
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