While I have several ideas for fics that are likely to be 2k+, I am not in a mood to focus on something longer right now. I also have a project happening that I'd like to do something for, so I thought I'd see if anyone was around reading this who might want to leave me a prompt? I'm open to Harry Potter ships, especially Hermione.
Just leave me ships you'd enjoy reading, some prompts (word, emotion, etc.), and I'll see what the muse thinks. Feel free to leave more than one since I don't how many people will even see this! ♥ You're also welcome to choose one of the open prompts from my
50 Smutlets table that I've made my goal to finish (even if it's unofficial). Just don't use Thigh Highs, shower, silk sheets, leather or erotica as I already have pretty solid bunnies for those (woo hoo!).