Pimping: BTVS/Angel Fest

Mar 13, 2012 17:20

I stole this from velvetwhip because I wanted to pimp this fest. I'm debating whether or not I want to sign up, since 1k isn't a lot of words, but I'll see if I get an idea in the next week or two before making the decision. BUT anyone else who enjoys Buffy or Angel or both should totally sign up! This was my first fandom and holds a special place in my heart even if I've drifted to other fandoms.

Banner by

ourfandomfest is already shaping up to be super fabulous, but we could really use many more artists and beta readers, so if you are interested in filling either of those roles or joining to write, please click the above banner, join the community, and sign up!

Here are the details of the Fest:

*Min. Word length is 1000 words. Max. length . . . ? Who cares? Go Crazy!
*Works in Progress will not be accepted as a final entry.
*Each story will have artwork.
*Eath author will have an assigned beta
*If you sign up, please finish - even if it's merely 1000 words of wonder.
*Authors will have three months to complete their work of fanfiction - that's a long time, I realise, but it may be needed by some.
*Betas will have two weeks to beta the finished project.
*Authors will have two weeks to edit their work as needed.
*Artists will be in cahoots with the author from day one, discussing plot and characters, and tensions and love. This way, no matter how short, no matter how long, each fanfiction will have a stunning fanart to accompany the writing.
*Crossovers are not welcome. They are my first love, so saying this is hard, but this rule stands. Let us celebrate the Buffy and Angel fandoms, not the Buffy or Angel fandom crossed with, say X-Men. (Enough interest will garner another community for crossovers.)
*EVERYONE IS WELCOME. You don't have to be the best writer in the world to find your place here.
*Art may come in drawings, digital photograph manipulation, whatever.
*If you sign up to beta, please don't flake out.
*If you sign up to be an artist, please don't flake out.
*If you sign up to write, PLEASE don't flake out.

Please note:
1. All pairings are welcome. Canon or Not-so-canon. Het or slash. Twosomes, threesomes, moresomes.
2. Character Pieces are welcome. If you choose not to write a pairing, more power to you.
3. Standard headings and warnings must be used. You like dark fic, fine. Others do not.
4. Flaming will not be tolerated.

Sign-ups will take place from MARCH 9, 2012 until APRIL 1, 2012. (LATE SIGN UPS AVAILABLE ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS).
Writing may commence immediately.
Artists will be assigned by MAY 15, 2012.
Betas will be assigned within ONE week, to promote soundboarding.
Check in's will be the last day of every month. Just a short note confirming that you are on track, working and are having no problems. Simple.
Posting will begin JUNE 18, 2012. (With a grace-period of 10 days).
Writers can sign up here.
Betas can sign up here.
Artists can sign up here.
So what are you waiting for? Click the banner, join the community, and join the FUN! Let's make this a spectacular fandom festival!!!! Sign up!!!!

misc: fandom pimping

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