♥ RL has been keeping me pretty busy lately. I'm dealing with school stuff and getting ready for registration for spring term (which is like in two weeks and eeep I don't yet know every class I plan to register for and only have like four I plan to try and no back-ups yet and *flail*) and trying to get some stuff done around the house and working. I'm in a pretty good mental place, though, so I'm okay. Boss has worked with me on a schedule that will let me do school while still working full time (36 instead of 40) with benefits and that's a positive thing because I didn't want to take a huge pay cut while in school or deal with retail unless it was absolutely necessary. There are issues with my job, but I don't think it'd be any better anywhere else so.
♥ I'm feeling sort of disconnected from fandom in an odd way. This is the first time in over five years that I haven't either been running a time consuming community that required a lot of my time or RPing constantly. I don't have any fic exchanges to deal with, Big Bang is over, I'm not signing up for deadline stuff, and I don't know. Just feel sort of like I'm lurking and stepping further outside the whole 'fandom circle' as days pass. The mood will go away, I know, but it's just weird. I'm still reading Kirk/McCoy like an addict seeking it's next source and Hermione fic as it posts on my f-list (which isn't very often, sadly). I'm reading the occasional Merlin fic and, despite disliking the show, I'm actually reading Glee! fic for two pairings that sort of interest me. I'm also reading RPS (when KU is involved >_>) and feeling slightly guilty for that because I sort of don't approve of the idea yet I take it as fiction so it's this odd acceptance. I need to do some writing maybe to feel more like my usual self maybe. I haven't had a chance to do
bridge2sickbay recently, so I haven't even done ficlets, and I have ABC prompts waiting for my attention. I miss fandomy stuff. And I figure it'll get worse when I start back to school and have even less time. *sigh*
♥ I have started another collab with
andrealyn. This is our fourth, though only one is being edited/posted at the moment. BTW, if you're following our collabs, we created a little community to post them at called
kmficsbyus, so feel free to watch it for updates. Need to get a pretty KU/CP or K/M layout for it (KU/CP because three of our four fics are AUs so far). Wish I could do graphics and stuff but, yeah. Suck at that stuff.
♥ There have been some amazing fics posted at
startrekbigbang. I suck at commenting, but I've read brilliant Kirk/McCoy and Kirk & McCoy and an AU Sulu/Chekov. Don't be scared of the length. Go read and find time to comment (like I'll try to do later *nods*)
♥ I'll be posting a poll later today to gather addresses for holiday cards. I kinda love sending holiday cards to my f-list, even if I just sign my name LOL, so I'd love for you to fill out the poll if you don't mind getting real mail and such. It'll be locked so I'm the only one to see it. If you'd like a card but don't want to leave your info on the poll, feel free to email me at inell@livejournal.com.
♥ Hope everyone has a great Monday! Love and hugs to all of you!