Title: Observation Pairing: Uhura, Gaila, Kirk/McCoy Rating: Adult Summary: The sudden silence is immediately suspicious Word Count: 1390 A/N: Based on a prompt from syredronning
Mmmm. I could almost wonder if Kirk chose that room on purpose, for the chance of discovery. Really, really hot the way you were portraying both women's reactions.
“You are so old-fashioned, Nyota. It is sweet.” She reaches over and pets Nyota’s head, which makes Nyota swat her shoulder. XD I <3 Gaila.
I wanna see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock. Then, maybe I’ll fuck you. If you’re a good boy. Damn.
I like how Uhura had a crush on him...I could actually see that happening. McCoy seems driven and disciplined, a lot like Spock and even Uhura in some ways.
Comments 47
I love it when McCoy calls him darling. *sighs*
Beautiful, as ever.
“You are so old-fashioned, Nyota. It is sweet.” She reaches over and pets Nyota’s head, which makes Nyota swat her shoulder. XD I <3 Gaila.
I wanna see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock. Then, maybe I’ll fuck you. If you’re a good boy. Damn.
I like how Uhura had a crush on him...I could actually see that happening. McCoy seems driven and disciplined, a lot like Spock and even Uhura in some ways.
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