That fatal kiss is all we need

Jun 21, 2009 15:52

♥ I just got hit with a wave of sleepy and have been yawning for like the last ten minutes. I don't feel particularly tired or anything, but good grief at the yawning.
♥ My car has been fixed. Well, mostly. There's a little damage on the driver's side window, but I think it's probably from removing all the spraypaint. There's also some very minor traces of paint in a few spots where it just couldn't get removed. Fortunately, it isn't that noticeable unless you're really looking for it.
♥ I feel really accomplished right now. I've written over 125k of Two Men & a Motorbike, and it'll be ending in a few days exactly how I envisioned it, which is kind of a rush. I really just listened to Jim and enjoyed the ride with him, so I wasn't really sure how it'd all work out by the time I got to the end. There is going to be a sequel, by the way. There's a lot more that I want to explore with these two, and Jim is still talking so loudly that I can't help but listen. I'm excited to finish up Motorbike and continue on the ride with these two boys. Even if y'all might get really tired of all the fic LOL
♥ It's funny to me, in a way, that I am so OTP-focused right now in the Star Trek fandom. I'm more of a 'character' shipper vs just a specific ship, but there's something about Kirk/McCoy that makes me obsessive and wanting to read fic, view art, write fic, look at icons, etc. for them all the time. Not complaining, cause I adore the boys. Just funny. LOL
hp_rarities is ending soon, so I'll be posting some HP fic soon, once authors are revealed. Also, official sign-ups for hermionebigbang open next weekend, which is exciting. I know that there are a lot of people who didn't manage to complete the challenge, so I'm curious to see what submissions we do get and work on matching artists and stuff.
♥ I'm enjoying Top Chef Masters, but I'm not that into The Fashion Show. Will be curious to see how Project Runway is now that it's moved to LA and to Lifetime. I think it starts in August.
seshat1 is coming to town briefly in July during her trip to the US, and I'm going to get to see her! I'm so happy about that, even if it'll just be for a meal and maybe a movie or something. I adore her, and I also love blabbing fandom in RL!
♥ I hope y'all are having a good weekend! *hugs and love*

rambling: real life

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