Title: Clutch Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Summary: Jim finds Bones after the graduation ceremony Rating: Teen/PG13 Word Count: 2905 A/N: #29 in the Two Men & a Motorbike series. Follows Commissioned
GAH!! Dammit! They deserve to be together forever all the time (with Jess...uh...the bike - not that I'd object mind you). You are making me squirm and stay up way past my bedtime.
*wibbles* i have needed so many tissues reading this story! I love Jim manning up and offering the 5 year deal to make Bones happy. I love Bones telling him no. I love them kissing that tiny bit in public. I love the way they need each other. I LOVE that they each ALMOST said "I love you". I wish they could say it and not have it hurt. Thank you, again, so much for writing this. It touches me deeply.
You have got me sooooo hooked on this story that I was looking for the next chapter when I got up. And I was rewarded with yet another wonderful, sentiment filled chapter.
I loved the bit with Scotty at the beginning of the chapter. It made me giggle.
The rest of the chapter brings out so many emotions and IMHO shows how far they both have come in their relationship. The thought that Bones would do that and that Jim meant so much to him tugged at my heartstrings. And to see Jim realizing that he had been selfish in the way that he had viewed all this showed the maturity that he has gained. VERY WELL DONE!
The part where Jim says that its his fault that this is happening to Bones had me tearing up. Its interesting to see them both trying to take responsibility for whats happened and the fact that Bones seems so resigned to this happening although he is not happy about it.
Jim looks at him and reaches over to trace the line of his jaw. “I’d rather wait five years if it means you’re happy, Bones. I...care about you,” he says,
( ... )
Comments 110
Dammit! They deserve to be together forever all the time (with Jess...uh...the bike - not that I'd object mind you). You are making me squirm and stay up way past my bedtime.
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I loved the bit with Scotty at the beginning of the chapter. It made me giggle.
The rest of the chapter brings out so many emotions and IMHO shows how far they both have come in their relationship. The thought that Bones would do that and that Jim meant so much to him tugged at my heartstrings. And to see Jim realizing that he had been selfish in the way that he had viewed all this showed the maturity that he has gained. VERY WELL DONE!
The part where Jim says that its his fault that this is happening to Bones had me tearing up. Its interesting to see them both trying to take responsibility for whats happened and the fact that Bones seems so resigned to this happening although he is not happy about it.
Jim looks at him and reaches over to trace the line of his jaw. “I’d rather wait five years if it means you’re happy, Bones. I...care about you,” he says, ( ... )
the last little bit -- seems like there could be a way out here. Interesting.
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