Yawn & a meme

May 28, 2009 09:09

♥ Didn't sleep particularly well last night. Am now sleepy yet couldn't stay in bed to try to get more than like three-four hours of sleep total. *shakes head* *yawns*

♥ A meme before I get started writing the next part of Two Men & a Motorbike: Name your 10 15 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms:

1. Hermione/Charlie [Harry Potter]
2. Harry/Hermione(/Ron) [Harry Potter]
3. Kirk/McCoy [Star Trek XI]
4. Mitchell/Annie(/George) [Being Human]
5. Viktor/Sierra [Dollhouse]
6. Bones/Booth [Bones]
7. Anne/Gilbert [Anne of Green Gables series]
8. Nikita/Michael [La Femme Nikita]
9. Danny/Lindsay [CSI: NY]
10. Willow/Spike(/Faith) [BTVS]
11. Lilah/Wesley [Angel]
12. Spike/Drusilla(/Angelus) [BTVS]
13. James/Sirius [Harry Potter]
14. Spock/Uhura & Sulu/Chekov [Star Trek XI] {cheats}
15. Greg/Nick [CSI]

Obviously, I can't read when it means choosing a specific number >_> So, list, see any trends? *curious*

meme: quiz, rambling: real life

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