Apart by Anon. Summary: After the war, Draco doesn't know who he is apart from the mark on his arm. Rita is unlike anyone he's ever known and her difference aids him in discovery. Draco/Rita, Rated: Adult. Note: Not a pairing that I'd normally ever read, but this fic is brilliant. It's really a character study of Draco more than anything shippy, and the Draco created here is just beautifully written and captured. I wanted to read more about him, about his development and life, and was sad when it ended. Give it a chance even if you're a bit hesitant about the pairing.
Jigsaw Pieces by Anon. Summary: During a very difficult week, Filius finds himself considering a puzzle. Snape/Flitwick, Rated: Adult. Note: I love Filius in this fic. The author has brought him to life so vividly that you'll feel like this is canon. Another pairing I don't read, but I definitely recommend that you give it a chance.
Hermione: A Herstory by Anon. Summary: In the summer of 1991, Hermione Granger finds a role model. Hermione, Minerva. Rated: Any Age. Note: This is a charming gen fic with two of my favorite females from HP. I adored Hermione in this story, and Minerva, too.
Beyond the Frame by Anon. Summary: After admitting the murderer Sirius Black to the Gryffindor dormitories, Sir Cadogan is determined to regain his honour the only way he knows how. Sir Cadogan, Hermione. Rated: Any Age. Note: Another charming fic from
springtime_gen. I really loved the plot of this and how it fit so perfectly into canon.
Bill/Hermione art by
limonata8 Rated: Teen. Note: Eeee! Bill/Hermione art! It's so pretty and romantic and sexy and makes me want to read fic for it (so maybe someone will get inspired by it and write!). *happy sigh*