I was really surprised to check my LJ this morning and find pressies for me at
inell_love and on my f-list! I wanted to pimp them all cause I'm bouncy and sniffling because I really didn't expect anything at all. I know it's early, but I wanted to link cause these made me happy and everyone should go read/view and comment! If I get anything else, I'll edit this post so I don't spam you all. It's sort of been a tough morning with it being my first birthday without my gran, so I'm a bit weepy/emotional, and I love that fandom is here with hugs and gifts and kind words. *love you all*
dianaweasley drew
Charlie arts! Two lovely Charlie arts, in fact!
firefly_123 wrote
Special Enough Willow/Hermione crossover drabble! What a lovely pairing! *bounce*
emiime wrote
Just Like a Woman Charlie/Hermione, Rated R. Eeee! Emi wrote me Charlie/Hermione! *flails a lot*
florahart wrote
Seriously? Quin fic! Eee for Quin fic! [Note: Quin is the son of Charlie/Hermione from
the_leaky, where Flora was Charlie and I was Hermione]
sweet_lemmon drew
Harry/Hermione and Hermione art! Both of them are so lovely and nws. Hermione's hair is always so gorgeous.
abigail89 wrote
Hope is the Thing With Feathers Harry/Hermione, Adult. Eee! Lovely Harry/Hermione with feathers and sweetness.
cordeliadelayne wrote
Lazy Days Kingsley/Hermione. Eeee! I love Coredlia for sharing my love of this rare pair.
featherxquill wrote
Rita/Hermione drabble! Eee! She hasn't written Rita/Hermione in ages, since before I met her, I think. *bounces*
luvscharlie wrote
Planning Charlie/Hermione. So sweet and lovely!
purelush wrote
The First Hermione gen fic that's just sweet and lovely!
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