Just saw this new community pimped on my f-list, so I had to share because I know there are fans of this ship around here. It's a community for Charlie/Hermione fic/art/etc. called
books_dragons. If you enjoy that pairing, go over and join! Maybe it'll mean some new C/Hr fic to read or art to ogle. I need to write some more, too, cause I miss them.
Also, I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday! I got my
hpvalensmut assignment this weekend and managed to get an idea that made me write it, so I've been able to mark that off my 'To Do List' already! It was a pretty tough request, too, so I'm pretty pleased about that. Next up will be
hp_springsmut once I receive that assignment. I hope it inspires and is easy to write, too. That'd be wonderful. *hugs and love all around*