Last night, I was tempted by a fest, so I gave in and signed up. It's for rare pairs/not so commonly written pairs, het/slash/femme, so it was just too irresistible. *nods*
Anyway, all of you who write and feel so inclined should go over
here and sign up for
hp_springsmut! Of course, I think that there needs to be more het requests (and more Hermione, though I generally think there should always be more Hermione!), so go sign up! You've got a couple of months to write your fic, and you can request a huge variety of things.
I stepped out of my general favorite rare pairings (C/Hr, BZ/Hr, BW/Hr, V/Hr etc) comfort zone and asked for a variety that I've never seen written or rarely see written. Any of them should be fun to read, but now I'm thinking that I'd enjoy seeing all of them written at some point, so I know what I'll likely be requesting in some of those 'Comment here with pairing/prompt' drabble things that go around my F-list. Mwahaha. *cough* Also, I was very tempted to ask for Albus Severus/Hermione in a post-divorce, Albus is over 18 situation because it sounds rather twisted and complicated but intriguing. However, I was nice and didn't. Also, Scorpius/Hermione was actually written on my list once but I removed it since a lot of folks don't seem like the crossgen Older Female/Younger Male at all much less the Next Gen. Older Male/Younger Male(or Female) doesn't seem to have such a problem, which is interesting. *muses*
Also, I posted Hermione/Seamus Adult fic
here, in case anyone missed it that wants to read. ♥