Title: Conclusion (Worth the Risk #58)
Pairing: Hermione/Teddy
Summary: Hermione and Teddy have their date
Word Count: 4135
Rating: Adult
florahart &
heather11483Note: Previous chapters of Worth the Risk can be
found here. This is the final chapter of Worth the Risk! A very big thank you to Flora and Heather, who have been there with me right from the moment
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Comments 70
i think ted's “Are you really sure about this? I don’t want you thinking you’re ready because Rose has sort of come around or because you’re feeling daring tonight. Once this happens, there’s no going back and no regrets. I just-I don’t want to lose you because of some impulsive gesture,” he whispers. is my favourite moment in the whole thing. the care and understanding of her he displays right there is really lovely.
I can't even begin to describe the mixture of emotions I'm experiencing right now: the happy contentment that comes from having finished a terrific story, a bit of melancholy at the realization that the journey is over (for now), consternation from realizing that reading adult material first thing on a Monday while sitting at work probably wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done, and, most of all, gratitude for your talent, imagination, and eloquence.
Thank you for an amazing ride.
Unlikely pairing, but I really did like it. It was honest to the way I see Hermione and your Teddy, well, I think I'd forget about age as well.
Great story.
this is lovely. it's obviously hot and amazing, but i like that you left us wondering what happens. it's not important what everyone's reaction is. the point is that it's worth the risk. yay!
also, i'd love to read more from this verse, no matter who it's about. :)
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