Title: Aspiration (Worth the Risk #55) Pairing: Hermione/Teddy Summary: Teddy comes over for dinner, take two Word Count: 2910 Rating: Teen Betas: florahart & heather11483 Note: Previous chapters of Worth the Risk can be found here.
heh... I like Rose so much better when she isn't being so bratty... although she is almost being too good to be a teenage girl now ;) Lovely Teddy/Hermione moments too... so hard to be very romantic with children around. glad he doesn't find it too much of a drag to put up with...
cute...that's one word I thought of automatically when I read that. It has such a relaxed family-ish vibe going. plus it's great to see hermione, the ever so logical woman, behave in a way she does. refreshing really
XP LOL! Oh the cues, the cues! Rose IS very observant! Hugo is just like, huh? Something going on? XP! and I'll admit I still have problems with old people kissing... I'm so hypocritical... yay for happy family quips
Comments 18
It will also be a good chance to help things get better if they do something out of the house together - cue Dil, of course... as you already hinted.
Thanks for sharing!!
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