Title: Provocation (Worth the Risk #27)
Pairing: Hermione/Teddy
Summary: Hermione goes to a surprise party and gets surprised.
Word Count: 7435
Rating: Teen
florahart &
heather11483Note: This contains spoilers for Deathly Hallows. Previous chapters of Worth the Risk can be
found here .
Provocation )
I don't at all blame Ted for feeling like it's time for Hermione to either fish or cut bait where their relationship is concerned. I also think he makes an excellent point in saying she's not considering his feelings or what he's risking.
But (IMHO) if Ted really thought she was going to be ready to make a decision in just four weeks, then he doesn't understand her as well as he believes. Clearly, a month seems like an eternity to him. And yeah, I'd think under most circumstances it'd be plenty of time for her to better understand her own mind. But we're talking about a person who, from the age of eleven, has always,
always, subsumed her own needs for the good of others; it's going to take a hell of a lot longer than a month to overcome twenty-seven years of what is, in essence, behavioral conditioning. I also think it was a bit unfair of Ted to accuse her of being selfless as a way to maintain control and continue being needed. Yes, there's probably ( ... )
I do believe that Hermione's been very remiss by not considering the risks that Teddy's also facing, and I totally understand his frustration.
But. He didn't handle it well; in a way, this chapter has shown some of Teddy's immaturity as well as Hermione's faults, in terms of him not being willing to really acknowledge the risks fully. And that's very in-character -- he's young and idealistic. I don't fault her for needing time. It isn't as easy as Teddy wants it to be.
We can has beta war?
Rar. XD
But. He didn't handle it well; in a way, this chapter has shown some of Teddy's immaturity as well as Hermione's faults, in terms of him not being willing to really acknowledge the risks fully. And that's very in-character -- he's young and idealistic. I don't fault her for needing time. It isn't as easy as Teddy wants it to be.
I agree with you on everything you said, and wanted to thank you in particular for the above-I was thinking much the same thing (re Teddy's reaction), but was nowhere near being able to articulate it. Plus I was a little scared to try, what with all the Teddy fans posting ahead of me... ;)
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