* Work has been rather dreadful since I had to move offices. I literally sat there today for nearly eight hours just staring at the clock. *hates* There's no other assignments that can be given to me since I was hired for a specific purpose (one that they might be altering, which would mean maybe losing my job in the next couple of months...) and there are two other people in the office to do the other things. I'm now checking the careerbuilder site every little bit but worry I'll just keep being in this endless cycle of jobs that I hate instead of ever finding something that really suits me. Meh.
* Writing: Still can't get a freaking word written. I want to desperately as I'm tired of not being able to write anything except RP (even though I love the RP writing). It's seriously driving me insane lately and just stresses me out. That coupled with above makes life rather sucky at the moment, though it could be far, far worse so I'm trying not to complain.
stoatshead_hill is keeping me busy still. Hermione's unexpected triangle has resolved itself, thankfully. I had no idea who she'd pick, but she's going to end up dating Roger more to see if something might happen and continue just being friends with Cedric. It was a fun plot, especially since it wasn't planned at all (even a choice), but it made me sad a lot, so I'm happy that it's resolved. *is a dork* We need several characters for recasting (Lucius, Padma, Mandy, Alicia, etc.) if anyone's interested.
* Friend's Cut: I don't usually bother to announce this when I do one, but I'll be cutting some people and communities. No offense if I cut, as I'm trying to trim things so I can actually keep up easier, and I don't F-lock anything if you're just here for fic or whatever.
* I've splurged via the good ol' credit card to commission a few pieces of art from
undula. I've received a Harry/Hermione/Ron and a Hermione/Fred/George that are just gorgeous! I'll post them in a bit as she doesn't post them usually. I've also requested a Cedric/Hermione and Blaise/Hermione. Since I already have a Charlie/Hermione and Viktor/Hermione from her, that means I'll soon 'own' my six favorite ships in art by
undula! That makes me very squeeful and I know I'll be begging
ashleyfanfic for a new banner for my LJ and archive fic site. *grin* I just love pretty art. *bounces* Now all I need is lots of Hermione-centric fic to read, and I'll be quite content.
* Sorry there's not been hardly any fic to read lately. I am trying, but it's just become impossible to focus and get words written. I have ideas in my head, fortunately. It's just attempting to get them to let me put them into Word. Bah. Any suggestions? This is hitting four plus months with hardly any writing. :(
Hope y'all have a great week!