Title: An Only Child Rating: Any Age Character: Petunia Evans Dursley Summary: Petunia finds it surprisingly easy to forget that Lily exists Word Count: 350 Day 9 31_october_days
It took me a moment to realise who Petunia was. This is wonderful and very insightful. You're always so good at bringing colours to characters we don't really know about and also making them more well-rounded. Rowling is wonderful but she makes her baddies very bad sometimes with no redeeming features :D Thank so much for sharing!
Thank you! Yeah, I can imagine that it wasn't easy to grow up a sibling of a Muggleborn witch/wizard. I've heard that there is going to be more exploration of her in book 7 but we'll see how that goes since JKR doesn't really do much with shades of grey (unless you're Snape. LOL). ♥
I enjoy the way you can take the minor characters and flesh them out so well, it's not really my skill. I think I am more an analytical writer than a creative one. Not that Petunia, is really minor in the same sense as some of the others, but you have a great talent for providing the little details that make the characters real beyond the confines of the books.
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