Title: Punishment Pairing: Neville/Bill Summary: The flame is warm as it flickers against his bare skin Rating: Adult Word Count: 1145 50_smutlets prompt: Candles Happy belated birthday to eeyeore9990!
I love your Bill/Neville! I loved how Bill is all sneaky and smug when Neville is provoked to take control, and then he is all perceptive in this: “You’ve built me up into something I’m not, though. If anything, I’m the lucky one that someone as caring and gentle as you can overlook these scars and my many negative qualities, you know.” And I'm usually a big sissy about candleplay or pain, but this was less 'ouch' and more sensual and intense and sweet. I agree that Bill is lucky, and Neville too. *g*
Squeeeeee!!! *glomps you, glomps your Billville, glomps you again for good measure*
Oh, holy hell, hon!!! You've just hit on a very hidden kink of mine. Hot wax is so incredibly... erm, hot would be redundant there, wouldn't it? But there's not nearly enough use of it in foreplay, to my mind. This was perfect, but I knew that before I started reading. You capture Bill and Neville so completely that they come to life on the page. I wanted to peel the wax off Neville's nipples and lick them right then, seriously. This is too wonderful! Thank you so much! It's like my birthday all over again! *glomps you one more time*
Not yet, too drunk, but tomorrow, I am going to gather up all my bday fics and add them... when I'm somewhat sober. *g* Did you hear my voice post? *winces* Dude, that doesn't sound at all like me. I swear.
heh, i may have gotten a little over-excited there. alas, i have yet to listen to your voice post (haven't refreshed the flist since i got home), but your grammar is remarkable for someone in your state ;)
damn, where's my 'i need to be drunker' icon?! oh well, this ron covers tired/drunk/bored/sated and many, many more! ::snicker::
Comments 25
Oh, holy hell, hon!!! You've just hit on a very hidden kink of mine. Hot wax is so incredibly... erm, hot would be redundant there, wouldn't it? But there's not nearly enough use of it in foreplay, to my mind. This was perfect, but I knew that before I started reading. You capture Bill and Neville so completely that they come to life on the page. I wanted to peel the wax off Neville's nipples and lick them right then, seriously. This is too wonderful! Thank you so much! It's like my birthday all over again! *glomps you one more time*
damn, where's my 'i need to be drunker' icon?! oh well, this ron covers tired/drunk/bored/sated and many, many more! ::snicker::
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