I've had quite a few new people Friend me lately so I decided to finally get around to posting a little 'Introduce yourself' type thing. This is for all Friends Of, whether you're new or have tolerated me for awhile now! You don't have to answer everything, of course. I'm just curious to see who all is around and what y'all enjoy! ♥ So just copy
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Age and/or DOB: 17 *hides*
Why are you here? Love the Draco, Hermione and Blaise fandoms! You have wonderful fic as well. I only recently got a LJ account so I'm a bit late I suppose - I've been reading for more than a year.
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Dead Poets Society, football
Reader? Writer? Artist? Lurker? All four? Reader and lurker mainly but thinking about writing but rather daunted.
If writer and/or artist, link to your archive/work:
Favorite Characters:Draco, Hermione, Blaise in HP. Neil and Todd in Dead Poets Society and the entire German national team for football. =D
Favorite Pairings:Any combination of Draco, Hermione and Blaise. :P
If you could read only one pairing, what would it be?Draco/Hermione.
Character/Pairing that you never thought you'd like that you really enjoy now:Draco/Blaise
What pairing/character do you wish was written more often?Draco/Blaise
Favorite fanfic authors: You, Ree, Ash, Bunney, Kyra, Mexx, Gravidy.
Favorite fanartists: Raffy (or is it her sister?)
Favorite Genres (to read and/or write):Romance and angst.
Favorite Kinks:Ermmmm....really angsty sex and two guys getting it on (hence football) and probably anal sex. Find it fascinating.
Personal Squicks:Dressing up and latex, collars and etc.
Favorite Books:Heart of Darkness, Count of Monte Cristo, HP.
Favorite movies:Dead Poets Society, Remember the Titans, Hidden...can't think of any more.
Favorite TV shows:Houwe MD.
Favorite Music (artist/band/song/etc): Pink Martini, Damien Rice, Robbie Williams, Edith Piaf, Xavier Naidoo.
What is your fantasy fic? (i.e. the fic you'd love to find on your F-list one day. Pairing, concept, idea, or whatever)Really angsty Draco/Hermione fic where they love each other but won't admit to it. Set in Hogwarts, with a war brewing....sort of cliche but if they're done well, they're gorgeous. :)
*waves at inell* Hello!
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