Favorite Pairings and Quirks

Jul 23, 2006 15:14

My Friends Of has increased in recent weeks so I thought it might be nice to post something general about some of my favorite pairings to read/write so people might get an idea of what they might find here. Also, I'm bored and lists are love! I'm even including a general overview of some of my quirks when it comes to reading/writing, a couple of ( Read more... )

writing: favorites and quirks

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inell July 23 2006, 20:27:15 UTC
Hmmm...I wonder? *snerk*


jess_darkwater July 23 2006, 20:27:30 UTC
From the looks of it, I think Hermione is probably her least favourite character =D


thistlerose July 23 2006, 20:33:36 UTC
So, you like Hermione and Willow, huh?

adultery are two of the only squicks that I can't write/read


Is it adultery if it's only fantasy!sex? And if the couple is actually taking a long break from each other?


inell July 23 2006, 20:38:03 UTC
If they're married and not divorced/split up, it's adultery. I loathe it with a passion. If it's fantasy sex, that's just dreaming and not real but it still sort of feels like betrayal if a couple is togethertogether. If they're not married and split up from a dating relationship, though, it's not adultery, of course. That's just a broken relationship and moving on. I'm more squicked when it's deception/behind an unknowing partner's back or if they're married/committed/involved and it happens at all. I've hated Hermione in fics because she screws around without just ending the bad relationship first. Fantasy!sex isn't quite the same as actual going out and having it sex, of course.


thistlerose July 23 2006, 20:45:21 UTC
Ok, good! That's how I feel, too. My problem was that I couldn't just dismiss Ron from Hermione's life, and I couldn't have her cheat on him, and I couldn't kill him off. So they're on a long break.


inell July 23 2006, 20:49:29 UTC
Oh good! I was worried for a minute. Well, they can easily have broken up as it's post-Hogwarts etc. No adultery there. Just two people moving on with their lives. It's weird, but I was telling Flora before that I can even tolerate rape in fic more than adultery. I don't have any personal experience with it at all to explain such an emotional reaction, but it knocks me out of a fic faster than anything, including "Drakey" and "Hermy". I think it's the idea of betrayal and dishonesty. I can't see how someone can write, say, Ron/Pansy and have Ron cheating on Hermione/lying to her/deceiving her and consider that OMG so sexy! Or any pairing. My Lucius-slash is almost always pre-marriage to Narcissa or after her death (in case of L/Hr), and I don't write any other canon-married people. I'm just weird, I guess. Haha!


nicholsa July 23 2006, 20:35:10 UTC
k, so we've got Hermione-centric and Willow-centric? Do you have a thing for supporting female roles?! *grin* I happen to LOVE Willow, so I'm with you on that for sure! I'm generally a slash reader in HP land, but I've found that I like most of your fics! It's interesting that you can't write/read certain pairings without Hermione, but everyone has their 'things'. Nic here, btw. I love Snape, Harry, Draco, Lucius in any combo. Just so you know a little about me, too.


inell July 23 2006, 20:51:40 UTC
Hee! I guess I do. Never thought about it. My other favorite HP female is Narcissa, who has barely appeared in canon at all. *grin* Nice to meet you!


letmypidgeonsgo July 23 2006, 20:40:41 UTC
heh, my first thought upon seeing your overall het list was ok, so basically hermione/any living (& a few not) male?

but then, i'm sure i already knew this


inell July 23 2006, 20:52:11 UTC
Mwahahaha! Basically *grin* You say that as though it's a surprise!


letmypidgeonsgo July 23 2006, 20:57:22 UTC
haha, no, certainly not a surprise - just funny to see it listed like that i suppose. you'd probably be better off just listing the hermione het pairings you don't enjoy ;)


inell July 23 2006, 20:59:16 UTC
Haha! I'll read almost any Hermione pairing. I mean, save for Filch, Hagrid, Dumbledore...and I think I've actually read at least one of each of those just to try and say I had. LOL.


quirkie July 23 2006, 20:44:29 UTC
I can't write Snape worth a darn. I enjoy the character but just can't get inside his head 99% of the time

could be a reason for that: besides the whole occlumency thing (XD) it's quite scary in snape's head. it really is.


inell July 23 2006, 20:52:37 UTC
Hee! I've rarely ever even tried to get into his head, thankfully. *grin*


quirkie July 24 2006, 04:37:19 UTC
just take my word for it. sometimes he tells me things that i don't want to hear.


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