I know I need to make a nice lengthy recs list post soon. Maybe this weekend! I did have a quick one to throw out, though because OMG
florahart wrote Viktor/Hermione! *dances* I think she just got sick of hearing me whine that she'd never written it *shifty* Wonders if that would work for a Kingsley/Hermione and Regulus/Hermione
Just a Scar, Viktor/Hermione, Rated: R. It's a lovely little story with nice emotion and sweet romantic-ness. *happy sigh* So go read and enjoy and tell her to write more! Or more Charlie/Hermione or Twins/Hermione
Also, I love my F-Of. I mean, dude, I didn't expect anyone to read
the fic I posted today (as it's odd and about life as a ghost and has deathness and the characters are a bit of a O_O combination) and y'all just surprise me and prove me wrong and I LOVE that! *HUGS you all* Now if I could just write some smut instead of all these Any Age things lately *grumbles at muse*