Title: Broken Pairing: Bellatrix, Lucius Rating: Any Age Summary: The prison is in ruins Word Count: 655 ABC Challenge #22: E - Eulogy for absinthe_lust
OMG, she did it, she killed him. I expected her to do it, but not in that subtle and unnerving way.
When she touches him, he cowers and trembles like a wounded animal. It takes only one look into his face for her to know, to see. His gaze is unfocused as he shakes and makes pathetic whimpers. He does not know her, does not know anyone. She is too late to save her dear sister's husband. Lucius is gone, leaving behind only this empty shell that has been broken by these four walls; another victim of Azkaban. Seeing Lucius broken is something you don't see frequently and it's quite unsettling, you know?
You built such an incredible imagery that it made shudder. Well done, sweetie.
Hee! Thanks for reading, hon! I was really pleased with this one but know the genre and characters means it won't be read so I appreciate it! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
Ohh, I really like this. You set the scene so well, the ruins and general muted chaos that's happening around them; you really have a gift for imagery.
Azkaban is merely a shell of its former glory. She steps inside the fallen ruins and laughs with delight as she walks through the corridors. When she left years ago, she made a promise to the shadows that she would be back and she would see it destroyed. Bellatrix always keeps her promises.
HOW DARE SHE!?!?!?! AARRRGGHHH!!!!! *dance of rage*
Ok *breathes* I'm done now, I can review this. I both desperately love and loathe Bella in this. I was actually gleeful at the destruction of Azkaban because I am TEH EBIL and as twisted as Bella is as a character, I love seeing it and you wrote her so well. I adored the way she treated him, such respect and almost care in her actions but GAAAAAAAAHH I HATE HER FOR KILLING HIM. I know, I KNOW, it wasn't even him anymore, but *sob*
My inner Cissa would have murdered her upon finding this out, no matter what the shell of Lucius had returned as, how strange is that?
Thanks for another great fic that took me through the gamut of emotions.
She puts it back on before she brushes the stringy blond hair away from the face that is still handsome. “Lucius Malfoy,” she says his name with respect for the man that he once was, waiting to see if his name or her voice triggers recognition.
I have chills. Really. Although sad, this was wonderful! Really well done...as is everything you write.
Comments 11
When she touches him, he cowers and trembles like a wounded animal. It takes only one look into his face for her to know, to see. His gaze is unfocused as he shakes and makes pathetic whimpers. He does not know her, does not know anyone. She is too late to save her dear sister's husband. Lucius is gone, leaving behind only this empty shell that has been broken by these four walls; another victim of Azkaban. Seeing Lucius broken is something you don't see frequently and it's quite unsettling, you know?
You built such an incredible imagery that it made shudder. Well done, sweetie.
Azkaban is merely a shell of its former glory. She steps inside the fallen ruins and laughs with delight as she walks through the corridors. When she left years ago, she made a promise to the shadows that she would be back and she would see it destroyed. Bellatrix always keeps her promises.
Thank you so much for this!
HOW DARE SHE!?!?!?! AARRRGGHHH!!!!! *dance of rage*
Ok *breathes* I'm done now, I can review this. I both desperately love and loathe Bella in this. I was actually gleeful at the destruction of Azkaban because I am TEH EBIL and as twisted as Bella is as a character, I love seeing it and you wrote her so well. I adored the way she treated him, such respect and almost care in her actions but GAAAAAAAAHH I HATE HER FOR KILLING HIM. I know, I KNOW, it wasn't even him anymore, but *sob*
My inner Cissa would have murdered her upon finding this out, no matter what the shell of Lucius had returned as, how strange is that?
Thanks for another great fic that took me through the gamut of emotions.
I have chills. Really. Although sad, this was wonderful! Really well done...as is everything you write.
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