Hey everyone!
I'm still bouncy from writing last night. *smiles sheepishly* Yeah, I loved writing the Charlie/Hermione. For a moment of self-pimping, if you enjoy Charlie/Hermione, please consider taking a moment to read
Freckles and let me know what you think. It's my first time writing in Charlie's voice so I'm a bit nervous but I just really adore how it all turned out. Charlie is definitely added to my crush list! I know, another one. *grin* I'm actually considering writing a bit more in this Verse. I had a couple of ideas last night when I couldn't sleep for a funny little ficlet or two as well as some smutty bits for Charlie & Hermione in this Verse. I even have a name for the series! Gah! LMAO...Must finish Drabble Requests first. Not sure if anyone would really want to read more of this Verse but I don't think I can resist Charlie and he's insisting that I pay him a bit of attention. I need a Charlie icon.../self-pimping
It's Tuesday. I should have some time to write tonight. I will either get a bit written on some Drabble Requests or focus on my
pervy_werewolf Spring Challenge. *crosses fingers* OH!
ashleyfanfic made
books_freckles all pretty! She designed a layout and got it set up last night. Go take a look if you feel so inclined. While there, join and post lots of Hermione/Weasley stories/art/icons. *smiles sweetly*
My Duran Duran concert is Saturday! Woot! *does the dorky dance while singing Rio* I'm very excited about seeing them.
Hope everyone has a great day!