When you step into an elevator and see a friend you: Chat it up
An aquaintence: smile and say hey
Someone you've met once or twice: smile and say hi
A stranger?: smile.
How often do you end up listening to people's problems when you really don't care?: I listen to other peoples problems alot, but I usually do honestly care. I like helping people out.
How far do you let people go before you tell them off?: depends on the situation
What does a friend have to do to be kicked out of your life?: Im a strong believer of 2nd 3rd...and millionth chances
How do you react to phone sales(wo)men?: tell them whoever theyre looking for isnt home
How often to people just randomly start talking to you?: sometimes, depends on where I am
Do you try to escape them, talk to be polite, or really enjoy talking with a stranger?: I like strangers usually
How do you feel, react, etc., to people when you first meet them?: Depends on how they act
How long does it take you to warm up to people?: It doesnt take long for me to warm up to someone as a friend. But it takes awhile before I let people get close. Im not very trusting anymore.
Are you usually invited to go on outings with friends/coworkers/schoolmates/whoever?: yeah
After a party how do you usually feel about your night?: I'm not really a party person
What is your view, in general, on rules?: necessary evil
Do you ever call in sick to work/school/whatever when you aren't?: Sometimes when I just can't deal with the general population
When out with your SO, a friend comes over and starts hanging all over him/her. How do you react?: I can be jealous, but I wont say anything to the person. Ill simmer and bitch to my boy.
Have you ever hooked up with someone you knew was attached? If yes, would you again? If not, would you ever?: No I haven't, and no I wouldn't. I don't hook up unless I'm looking for a relationship with that person, and I would never want a relationship with a cheater
The last time someone tore into you for doing something wrong (that was something you did do), what was it?: not sure
How did you react to this person?: see above
Your boss (or parents or friends or whatever) wants your ass for work this weekend, but you are packed with plans. Do you work, play or compromise?: Depends on the importance of the plans and the work
What do you consider being mischievous?: lots of things. I feel mischievous when I have sex while people are home : )
You're borrowing a shirt and stain it. Do you... return and apologize, return and let it go unnoticed, return and blame stain on lender, buy new shirt, etc?: Try my damndest to fix it, I'm pretty good at getting stains out. If that doesn't work I'd pay for it.
Do you cheer for the good guy or bad guy?: depends on what theyre fighting for
What's your ideal way to spend a dream evening?: It doen't matter so much as we're enjoying each others company
The person you've been seeing for a month proposes. How do you react?: Obviously it would depend on the person/relationship. But most likely Id say no...I like to take things a little slow
Which movie does your romantic life remind you of?: pick a snuff film, any snuff film
What article of clothing would you most like to receive from your lover?: something of thiers to sleep in when theyre not around
What type of gift in general would you like to receive from your lover?: anything that comes from the heart. ok, I'm shoot me.
Do you believe gifts are an integral part of romance?: not expensive ones, but little free things are cute because it shows that they think about you when your not around
Do you believe expensive dinners are an integral part of romance?: def not
Are flowers?: no, but they're exciting and cute. especially daisies and tulips
What did you give your SO for valentine's day?: I made him a shirt and dinner
What did your SO get for you?: A ring
What is your philosophy on love and falling in love?: It happens when you least expect it, and it's self mutilation. We know we're almost definately going to get hurt, but we allow it anyway.
How do you know when you love someone?: Thier happiness means more to you than your own
When did you know you loved the person you're with (or last person you were with)?: When something was upsetting him and I saw him cry, and after I calmed him down and he left I got hysterical because it upset me so much to see him like that.
What type of criteria do you have for a future life partner?: We have to completely trust and love each other, and they have to be appreciative and caring.
What was the first thing that attracted you to your most recent SO?: Haha, don't ask, it's extremely unusual
What is the most important aspect of a love relationship?: trust. definitely trust.
How often does your SO compliment you?: suck it
How often do you want to be complimented?: same as everyone else probably, but most definately at the beginning of a date because it would give me confidence and make me feel less tongue tied and self conscious
How often do you compliment them?: I'm a big complimenter, if I think something looks good Ill tell the person
You guys can't agree on what movie to rent. Do you tend to give in to your SO, compromise, or get your own way?: I always give in in situations like that, I like making other people happy
If there's something your SO loves to do and you hate, would you do it with them, make a compromise, or say no way?: depends on what it is
Do you believe in love at first sight?: i believe in lust at first sight.
Have you ever had dreams of yourself walking down the aisle?: of course.
Do you know what kind of engagement ring you want?: something simple and not too big.
Wedding ring?: don't care as long as thier matching, I dont like un matching bands
Do you read bridal magazines?: not for myself, but Im in Dans sisters wedding party, so I look through them with/for her
When you go shopping do you notice things you'd like to incorporate into your wedding?: nope
Do you have a set age you want to be married by, or an age that you won't get married until you reach it?: nope, it all depends on when I meet mr.right and get engaged. I still have a bazillion years to think about this stuff
Your dream dress will make you look/feel like (ex. a princess, madonna turned bride, casual yet elegant, wearing jeans): either a fairy or a princess
What type of bridal party do you want? (small group of those you love, every friend you have, no party): small group
Will you let your groom see you before you go down the aisle?: Nah bro!
Your bridal shower will be like: that stuff is all up to the brides maids
If you modelled your wedding after someone else, what would it be like? (movie or celeb wedding): I love my moms
Will the reception be classic, a drunken ho down, or something in the middle?: I want something small and outdoors. Quiet and fun, and classy, but I know with all of my irish family it will become a drunken ho down
What kind of gifts, if any, will you register for?: Uhhh...the normal shit I guess. AND A FONDU SET <3
Your dream guest list includes (ex. closest friends, everyone you know, just witnesses): close friends and my family. My family is so huge that just them would be a large wedding.
Who should pay for your wedding?: whoever volunteers
You want the guests to look (casual, elegent, how they want): casually elegant.
What do you want the topper on your wedding cake to be?: a giant cow testicle
What is your dream honeymoon spot: traveling, not just staying in one location
How many children do you want?: atleast 1. after that it just depends on how many I think I can handle
What do you hope their sex is?: doesn't matter
Do you have name ideas?: either a son named Shane, or a son named Rain...obviously not both. Skyler(ar) or Skye (they could be a boy or girl), Dylan, Starr, Krystal, Pheonix
That was strangely calming. I'll give you a nickel if you actually read the whole damn thing