[IF] March; State of confusion.

May 12, 2008 21:00

Jo had left after the dealing with possessed Sam, sure demons lied but sometimes they did tell the truth.

What hurt most is she didn't know what really happened. She wasn't sure how her daddy died, she didn't know the truth. The words of venom that spilled from Sam's lips My daddy shot your daddy in the head. haunted her. When she tried to sleep she had not Sam's voice echoing in her head, but the visual of her Uncle John shooting her father in the head.

She had been struggling for months with this. When she finally decided to go home, back to the only home she knew, the Roadhouse she came across nothing but charred ruins. She felt her heart drop in her chest, felt as if it was being squeezed and ready to be ripped out. Her mother, Ash, all the hunters she had gotten to know. Were they all dead? Had she lost everything finally? She felt her throat tighten as confusion struck, she had never felt so alone.

She called the first person who came to mind, the one person her mother would have reamed her out for. Dean Winchester. He just had to know where her mother was.


"Dean, it's Jo."

"Jo? Where the hell you been?"

"Dean where is my mom? Where is Ash? Please tell me they are okay Dean."

Jo didn't like the pause, it felt like a knife was cutting through her. She heard him clear his throat.

"You Mom is fine Jo, she's staying with Bobby for now. Ash, he, well he wasn't so lucky. Your mom had to run out for something so she wasn't there."

Partial relief washed over her hearing her mother was fine, followed by something akin to a punch in the gut hearing about Ash. She swallowed hard but tried playing off she was stronger then that. Her mother was alive, and would need her she hoped.

"Tell Bobby and my mom I'm going there."

"Will do. You okay Jo?"

"I'm fine."

She hung up then and went and threw her stuff in her car. She wasn't sure how to feel about the Winchesters yet. SHe heard the words on the wind that it was their fault demons escaped. She wasn't a fool however and knew there had to be more to it then that and she'd get to the bottom of it.

Jo Harvelle // Supernatural // 387 words
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