can you hear me smiling when i sing this song...for you...and only you...<3

Mar 23, 2005 21:43 started off pretty good...except for the fact that i was woken up by an awful thunderstorm! but anyway...everything was pretty good...i was happy....then i found out about daniel was sad...i didnt know him but alot of people i know were really close to him...the halls were really silent and it just upset me...i mean its horrible that someone that young had his life taken thoughts and heart really go out to his family and friends...<3

-i cant believe all the stupid immature people out there that were taking advantage of this situation...i mean some people like made themselves cry and claimed that they knew him just so they could get out of class? come on people...lets have a little respect here...

kari's inspirational words of the day - "opinions are immunity to being told youre wrong. paper, rock, and scissors, they all have their pro's and con's, because we control the chaos.  in the back of our minds, our problems seem so small.  they grow on us like gravity, but gravity still makes us fall..."

^thanks kari...youre the best! that really made me re-think things...

<3 meee

-RIP Daniel Cupit - 2/23/05 <3

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