erised1810 Title: To Thine Own Self Be True
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Rating: g
Author's Notes: Takes place in the midst of their stay in Lothlorien. Thank you very much for the chance to give Sam a bit of a closer look.
Sam felt he would be happy enough if their journey had ended here. But the thought of leaving this land wouldn't even change his mood. It seemed as if the trees, the songs of the elves and all the other sounds soothed his mind somewhat. "It's only for the better if we rest now," he thought, "and it's as much for everyone's good if we leave here soon."
He had walked these paths, many times it seemed, and the thoughts he had were quiet and peaceful ones like the ones he usually had whenever they prepared themselves to sleep while they were on the road. Sam was convinced everyone enjoyed themselves here. The restlessness that was always there during the long journeys from one place to the other, from Bree to Rivendell, to Moria and from there to this land, it fell from his shoulders as if someone took a heavy coat from him.
Frodo seemed to be more at ease here as well. Sam had watched him often enough, and was happy to keep him company wherever he went. He had known from the moment he'd heard Gandalf's story at Bagend, if his master would leave the house and take everything with him, he, Sam Gamgee would go right after him. And so he'd gone, without a trace of doubt in his
Sam wasn't exactly sure whether everyone else was as determined about it as he was. Galadriel had used a powerful means to look inside everyone's heart, to search their soul or that was what it had felt like to him. She'd asked him only once. Only once had he heard her voice in his head, a mere echo of what he'd heard when she spoke aloud, hardly distinguishable from the rustle of leaves around them. She had asked him if he'd go wherever his master was destined to go, and he had to keep himself from showing any outward signs of the answer he gave her. He had been about to nod, to look at Frodo even and give him a reassuring smile. and even now as he imagined the feel of it, the way it coursed through his body when he realized in full what it meant to be in this together with Frodo and all his other friends, he nodded. "Yes," he said softly, to himself "whatever comes after this, wherever you have to go from here Mr. Frodo, i'll join you. From here to the deep forests until you reach the dark tower of..."
He swallowed. And unbidding came the memories. the sight of Gandalf falling into nothingness. The sounds of the elven songs when they first heard the news. 'But there's still hope,' he thought. 'Gandalf might be gone from here, perhaps some one else will have to leave after him, maybe the men are called to arms or perhaps one or two or three of us will just lose the heart of it and go back.' He sniffed. Others might have business to do, business that lay on the same route as Frodo's quest but he, he wouldn't be Sam Gamgee if he'd choose to stay here and join the elves if they'd travel back to the west.
Was that the full truth, or was he still reassuring himself? He remembered again how curious everyone was on the first day in the city, wondering why he'd blushed when Galadriel had looked into their eyes. 'Into our soul more like,' thought Sam. And yes, she had searched for traces of doubt, for any lack of courage. She'd tried to measure his loyalty. It had indeed been weeks since he'd thought of the Shire for more then a few seconds. Oh yes, a bit of grass and flowers, some birds in the low bushes and the usual small talk at breakfast. Things from a previous life, or so it seemed. Life was easy enough back then, it was almost as peaceful over here. But no, he wouldn't be a true friend if he'd turn around now. 'It would be the first time in my life I'd break a promise,' he thought. 'Besides, if Gandalf were here and he'd notice me slip away, he'd find a way to cast me into a ravine or in the river.'
Sam looked up again, a gleam in his eyes. Suddenly he laughed. He knew he hadn't made a choice just now, hadn't made a decision between two difficult paths to take, he merely confirmed for himself what he'd known ever since he'd heard at all about the powers of the ring.
"I'll do it then," he said, jumping swiftly over the spread roots of one tree. "I'll come along. Don't let them counsel against it this time. Us hobbits need to stick together. And I for one would like to know a good reason for anyone to leave Frodo now if they've got this far."
Someone called his name in the distance and, as lighthearted as he felt by now, he sprinted towards the source, nearly feeling as if he was flying instead.
"That's our Sam," Merry laughed, "watching every elf and tree and bird in this place that comes his way as if it's the very first he's ever seen."
"Or the last I ever will see," Sam said. He marched on back to the crowd. "What ever happens next, we'll never see something like this again. They can capture us all though, they can chop off my fingers if they think that brings me to tell our secrets. I surely won't forget this."
He spoke about much more than his friends could guess back then. The things Galadriel had said to him were thoughts he'd keep to himself for a long time. But he found out soon enough that she had indeed been right. Frodo left them, took flight almost, and Sam fled with him. Where the others went from there he didn't know, but he knew at least he could still do his best to be with his master, his friend, and to give him all the help he could possibly give.