my birthday sux why??

Feb 06, 2006 15:24

well well well...
*woke up and family was happy birthday, no note, no nothing...
*stuck behind a semi this morning going approx. 40mph...
*worst parking spot yet this semester...more to come.
*my new haircut/coloring isn't amazing or that cute...
*tripped over same dead squirrel twice coming from/going to my car...kicked it hard and watched its rigomortised (sp?) body fly...
*still haven't drank anything and it's 3:30pm of my day
*my date for the evening is financially and physically incapable of coming out
*all my friends are either; underage, @ school til late, working, or I hate them and would rather not spend my birthday in their they must not be my friends to them...
*still haven't drank anything and it's 3:31pm

Good thing I'm on depression meds right now or I'd be jumping. GAWD!

My realization:
Birthdays are shit because they can make a normal to shitty day even shittier just by being a birthday...added expectations on top of it make it worse. Let's pretend it's not my 21st birthday and then this day will just pile up next to the rest. Having it on a Monday doesn't help either...
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