Oct 11, 2008 09:38
As I sit here in my coffee-sipping, slightly chilly, waking up phase, listening to some REM and getting all emotional and nostalgic, I got to thinking about music in general and how I discovered so many groups I completely love after their heyday has passed: REM I didn't really start listening to until college, the Cure I didn't find until after high school, etc, I could go on but I'll spare you.
Who are you listening to right now that I need to know about? That affects you, that is still evolving, that I'm going to look back on 10 years from now and kick myself for not going to check them out when they tour the local club? Or the local arena?
(Bonus points to those who can recommend live music to check out Nov 12-15 in San Francisco, of course! Google is so useless compared to personal recommendations.)