why is it everyone says the same thing when i mention my period?! today dad, mum, my maid, my brother all said, "i thought your period just came!! why's it back!!" i am probably defined as The Period Girl, what with my semiconscious states in school, regular monthly absences (omg werewolf), constant refilling of painkillers from the hospital, crankiness, pimple-riddled face... aye other than my Periods, is there really anything else im known for :( when pok asked why i sounded so "weak" yesterday and i told him my cramps were back in full force all he said was "LIARRRRRR".
only huiming said, "oh dear, do take care!" hahahaha :D incidentally he called for 3minutes and 2 seconds yesterday, with a very muffled voice since it was lights out and the stupid sergeant was patrolling again. he got punished for forgetting his locker combination whilst basil got fired with an avalanche of questions from the officer in front of the entire company cause he was nodding off to sleep during a medical talk. awww,
i should get some rest. am still upset my parents dont support me studying psychology and they only brought this up after i spent many days writing application essays. for psych. so i guess i'll be doing accounting/finance then.
dotinabox, Henry Tudor had 6 wives. 3 named Catherine, 2 named Anne, 1 named Jane. 2 executed, 2 divorced, 1 died and the last outlived him. a wicked man known for 72 000 executions during his reign:(