Dance til you through up, i did.

Feb 09, 2005 22:42

Yo Yo Ma, Im gonna have a good weekend because I gonna bake cookies with some cool people, named Jack, Nathan, Jenna, Colleen, and the rest. I also am gonna go see fight club at san marco theatre on friday and that will rock because brad pitt is sexier than hell. I really wanted to have someone this year for valentines day but then i got to thinking and decided why do i need a specific day to love someone that much. I want someone i can love that much each day of my exsistence. Also i think im gonna send valentines day cards to alot of people with something awseome along with the card. I dont think that dance clubs should have a age limit because obviously if you are not old enough to drink and you wanna fucking dance(ME)they should let you in. Well thats all thats on my mind, not really but thats all.
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