*Availability Issues*

Mar 13, 2006 20:13

I don't know what's going on. I think I must have picked up a virus or...something.

Last night, gmail was working fine. I went to refresh my inbox, and...nothing. I got stuck on the LOADING screen. I Xed out of Firefox, and rebooted. Still...LOADING. I rebooted the whole computer. You guessed it, LOADING. I opened gmail just fine in my AOL browser. Hmmm. I let it sit over night. This morning? Firefox wouldn't go past LOADING.

I opened Opera. Gmail opens just fine, but Opera seems to pick and choose which mails it will open. So, nix that. I pulled up Enigma. It seems, so far, to be fine.

I've deleted everything connected to Firefox, and reinstalled. Still...LOADING.

And just now I opened Trillian, but...it won't let me see my contact list. So...I don't know what's going on. I assume I have a virus, and I'm running an antivirus software...But, if I disappear, this is why. I am very extremely not happy right now.
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