Dec 21, 2005 05:20
The most epic game of Pictionary was played in the early hours of December 21st, 2005 in the house of Chris of the Road's grandparents. Erik, Ingrid, who left and was replaced by Greg, Scott, and myself against Chris, Gilbert, Jeff, and Warner. After hours of playing and our team consistently rolling one and two, each team had made it to the final spot. Each team had one single play round and barely failed. Then, the all play came along that would decide the war: piñata. Through Scott's drawing, Greg managed to pull the incredible victory with about fifteen seconds left, making him Franchize worthy. After many intense rounds, much celebration and battle, this honorable match ended with our glorious battle cries of victory and an honest good game handshake between the teams. This has brought the members of both teams much closer, and I feel that we have all grown from the experience. As a final note, Gilbert's amazing Pictionary abilities are truly a force to be reckoned with.